Ramblings of a tired farmer? Or Master Gardener gone mad? I have had pleanty of winter now, as everyone else will agree with. There are other things I could do with my time if it would just warm up a bit. I am glad I am not in the bitter north winds of the US. I sympathize with those who are not just cold but ever-livid frozen. The snows of the Great Lakes are falling in great amounts, deep snow. Tunneling out is hard to think about, much less to do. I would like to have a hint of spring. One of those days that remind you its not the arctic we live in. Winds and Rains, Earthquakes and Tital waves, Tsunamis crashing and washing away, Tornados Herricanes Cyclones. Snow with ice. Continues. What is in store? Makes you wonder if the old song "Oh Suzanna" is more truth than fiction. I've come from Alabama with the banjo on my knee I'm goin' to Louisiana my true love for to see It rained all night the day I left the weather it was so dry The sun so hot I froze to death ...