Cabin of the Homefire

Cabin of the Homefire
Blind sided by Animal control and this Eve Earhart and the idiot neighbor, Adam Lee, I had quite a battle going on. No phone, no electricity, people pointing out I had animals in too small a place when others were worse off. (I have 2.8 acres and city wants me to have 3 acres before I have animals, other people have 2 acres and twice the limit besides not zoned for it. I have been insulted, asulted, on local TV, accused of animal neglect, (plead not guilty, ) know everyone with animal control and to beat them at their game, I have set to lease 2 more acres from a kind neighbor so I can get my goats back. I had a good lady who has the same bloodlines, keep them for me for a while.) It is quite a story.
I think a nice cup of warm lipton tea and gentle conversation with a good friend would be quite welcome right now. I myself an doing ok, the horse that was cut so badly is healing up nice with "Cut Heal" and Biosa. Animal control said I had to get the Vet out to look agian or they would take the horses (;I am down to 3 now) and I told them I didn't need one! So THEY called one in and he was asking how I got it looking so good? I told him about Biosa and he just scratched his head and looked at Animal control and said "She's right, its doing really well." They want me to get more weight on them so I am going to get some big bales of Alfalfa hay and then use my extended Biosa on it too. I just made some bokashi yesterday and the horses were just wild about it.
I am weary for now but am glad to be back up and running again........


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